Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thoughts of a Writer: Developing a Plot

I have always enjoyed writing, and it's been a dream of mine for a few years now to someday write a novel.

 I don't know about you, but one of my biggest obstacles in writing anything fiction is the plot. And not just a plot, but a good plot, too. One with twists, turns, excitement, suspense and a little...predictability as well. Figuring out the right balance is essential to forming any good story, I know. I also know that developing an interesting, thorough plot just takes practice, and can be time consuming and sometimes frustrating to any author.

 One thing I've found that helps me are writing prompts. Now I realize that if any of you are more of a professional writer or have no trouble coming up with a wonderful plot all on your own, you probably are laughing and shaking your head at my lack of creativity. ;)

 But if are like me and need inspiration to spur you on, I found some one-sentence writing prompts that I wanted to share here. Maybe they will get your creative juices flowing, as well.

  1. It was the first snowfall of the year.
  2. He hadn’t seen her since the day they left High School.
  3. The city burned, fire lighting up the night sky.
  4. Silk.
  5. She studied her face in the mirror.
  6. The smell of freshly-cut grass.
  7. They came back every year to lay flowers at the spot.
  8. The streets were deserted. Where was everyone? Where had they all gone?
  9. This time her boss had gone too far.
  10. Red eyes.
  11. Stars blazed in the night sky.
  12. He woke to birdsong.
  13. ‘Shh! Hear that?’ ‘I didn’t hear anything.’
  14. He’d always hated speaking in public.
  15. She woke, shivering, in the dark of the night.
  16. The garden was overgrown now.
  17. He’d never noticed a door there before.
  18. She’d have to hitch a ride home.
  19. ‘I told him not to come back too!’
  20. His feet were already numb. He should have listened.

 Right now, I am currently working on just beginning the process of writing a novel. I am sometimes discouraged by how long, tiring and tedious writing is; first there's the plot, the character development, tweaks to the plot and the characters, writing, re-writing, re-writing some more, editing and etc.

 I have a friend who is currently working on a novel and I have had the privilege of helping her with all of these steps and seeing the process firsthand, and it's not easy! But I know that if you are passionate about writing, it is all worth it in the end. I know I can do this, but who knows how long it will take me! I have heard of authors who spent years working on just one story...I wonder how much their stories changed from the first idea to the end result?I wonder how many ideas I will have and rough drafts I will write between now and the finished product?

 I am excited to begin this process, and to be sure, you all will probably hear from me again on this subject. :)

What gives you inspiration to write? 
Do you have any tips for good plot development? 
What is one of the most challenging aspects for you when writing?


  1. I agree with everything you said. Writing is hard. (Take it from someone who's never gotten past the fifth chapter in a book.) But it's definentaly worth it! I find inspiration in a lot of places: Pinterest, people watching, Greenleaf, and my own brain (though aided by other people). As for tips, I have none personally, but I would definentaly recomend a book called Spilling Ink: A Young Writer's Handbook by Ellen Potter and Anne Mazer. It's an fantabulouse book with all kinds of writing prompts and excersises. You can probably get it at a library. That book is what got me writing again. :)

  2. Or if you can't find it at a library, I'd be more than happy to let you borrow my copy, if we happen to run into each other. :)
